hourani flour

from $56.00

Hourani is a versatile durum wheat and makes delicious bread, pizza dough, and pastries.

This rare heirloom wheat that has an incredible story. It was buried at the Masada Fortress in the Holy Land in 73 CE. It was lost to humanity until it was excavated in the 1960’s. Today, the seeds are mostly preserved in seed banks. Honoré is thought to be one of the few organizations growing Hourani in the United States.

Choose between 4 bags of Hourani or a mix - 8 pounds per order. Please find flour descriptions below.

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Hourani is a versatile durum wheat and makes delicious bread, pizza dough, and pastries.

This rare heirloom wheat that has an incredible story. It was buried at the Masada Fortress in the Holy Land in 73 CE. It was lost to humanity until it was excavated in the 1960’s. Today, the seeds are mostly preserved in seed banks. Honoré is thought to be one of the few organizations growing Hourani in the United States.

Choose between 4 bags of Hourani or a mix - 8 pounds per order. Please find flour descriptions below.

Hourani is a versatile durum wheat and makes delicious bread, pizza dough, and pastries.

This rare heirloom wheat that has an incredible story. It was buried at the Masada Fortress in the Holy Land in 73 CE. It was lost to humanity until it was excavated in the 1960’s. Today, the seeds are mostly preserved in seed banks. Honoré is thought to be one of the few organizations growing Hourani in the United States.

Choose between 4 bags of Hourani or a mix - 8 pounds per order. Please find flour descriptions below.

Flour Descriptions

  • Hourani is a durum wheat, typical for fresh pasta and also makes an amazing pizza dough. In fact, we haven’t found a baked good that Hourani doesn’t improve whether you’re baking cookies, cakes, or quick breads. An added benefit is that being a durum wheat, Hourani is easier to digest than other wheat varieties.

  • Believed to be one of the oldest wheats grown in North America and introduced in the 1500s. Organic Sonora is a soft white wheat that is soooo delicious, light and fluffy and tastes like nothing else. Ours is grown organically in Northern California on small-scale organic farms without irrigation. Honoré flour is freshly stone-ground for peak flavor and nutrition. Our 100% whole wheat flour is densely nutritious and easy to digest. Sonora, like our other heirloom flours, is ideal for people with a sensitivity to wheat, but not suitable for those with celiac. Sonora is a light pastry flour. It’s as versatile as it is delicious making fluffy light pancakes, waffles, scones, biscuits, pie or quiche crust, cookies, cakes, or tortillas. It looks like white flour but delivers so much more in terms of flavor, baking characteristics, and nutrition.

  • Organic Hollis is a hard red wheat grown in Northern California on small-scale organic farms without irrigation. People don’t expect flour to add flavor or mouth-feel to baked goods, but Hollis does. It is nutty, earthy, and mild in flavor. Hollis is the champion flour for breads and dinner rolls, and it utterly transforms quick breads, pie crusts, crackers and cookies.

  • Our Organic Red Fife is a hard red wheat grown in Northern California on small-scale organic farms without irrigation. Red Fife was first documented in North America in 1840 and is thought to originate from Eastern Europe. David Fife was the first farmer in Ontario, Canada to sow seeds he brought back from Scotland. Honoré flour is freshly stone-ground for peak flavor and nutrition. Our 100% whole wheat flour has an unbelievable nutty, earthy flavor. Densely nutritious and easy to digest, Red Fife, like our other heirloom flours, is ideal for people with a sensitivity to wheat, but not suitable for those with celiac. offers a unique texture and flavor, making a huge difference in anything you bake. People don’t expect specific flours to add taste or mouth-feel, but Red Fife does, and your cookies and bread will light up taste buds and conversation. Red Fife is the champion flour for breads and dinner rolls, and it utterly transforms quick breads, crackers and cookies.

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