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sprouting hourani berries

Cooked sprouted Hourani berries make an excellent addition to salads and soups, and can be served as a warm side dish like rice. It’s easy to make them at home using Honoré Mill’s Hourani wheat berries. 

As with all wheat berries, sprouting Hourani before cooking unlocks health benefits.* The germination process breaks down some of the starch, which makes the percentage of available nutrients higher.

It also breaks down phytate, a form of phytic acid that normally decreases absorption of vitamins and minerals in the body. So sprouted wheat has more available nutrients than unsprouted grains. Those nutrients include folate, iron, vitamin C, zinc, magnesium, and protein. Sprouted grains also may have less starch and be easier to digest than regular grains. It may help people who are sensitive to digesting grains.

*Harvard Health Blog

Starting in the evening, place about a cup of grain in a 64 oz. glass Mason jar. Cover with water, making sure it is 2-3” above the berries.

Let sit at room temperature for 12 hours. Drain the water and rinse with clean water, drain again.

Turn the jar on its side. Spread the berries out for maximum air circulation. Leave the lid off or cover with cheesecloth.

Every 6 hours, turn the jar upright, fill with water to wet the grains and drain. Set the jar on its side and spread grains out again to continue the sprouting process. The berries are considered sprouted when the tip of the root (the radicle) emerges from the berries. The length of time will vary depending on the warmth of your kitchen; in warm climates they may sprout in just six hours. When you see tiny white tails emerge, the grain is ready to cook. You can also wait until the tail grows to be ¼ inch long which could take two or three days.

Once sprouted, cook immediately or refrigerate for up to 24 hours. To cook, boil sprouted Hourani berries in salted water for 15-20 minutes. Drain any excess water and they are ready to use. Sprouted, uncooked berries can be frozen for up to two months. Do not eat sprouted wheat berries raw.