good bread for everyone

Our goal is to serve every California public school student food made with delicious, locally grown whole grains. The first step is to get our flour into school food plans and teach children about the importance of good nutrition.

Beginning in 2022, we are partnering with two California public school districts to supply our delicious and nutritious Hourani whole wheat, stone-milled flour and whole berries.

“California Public Schools are the largest chain restaurant in the State. It is critical that we serve healthy and delicious food that not only supports student health, but also supports the health of the communities in which it’s grown.”

-Dominic Machi, Director of Food and Nutrition Services MDUSD

It all starts with the ability to partner with local farmers to plant more acres of Hourani to yield more grain at harvest. Our goal is to serve more school children nutrient dense and delicious whole grains.

As whole wheat is served in schools, supplying experiential education to support the student's understanding is crucial in learning how to make life-long healthy whole grain choices.